Friday, December 28, 2007

Top Viral Videos of 2007


The following list is the top 5 of my favourite viral videos of this past year. So sit back and enjoy the best of what the internet has to offer.

5. "Leave Brittney Alone."

This is probably on the top of most lists, but it's only number 5 here. By the way, if you are wondering whether this is a man or not, it is a man.

4. "2 Girls 1 Cup"

The funny thing is that this video is not the main point. It's the reaction videos. I will not provide the link to the video. Actually, I advise against watching it. I could only watch the first 10 seconds.

3. "Peer Pressure"

- black guys *CHECK*
- unsuspecting furniture *CHECK*
- dry humping *CHECK*

2. "I Like Turtles"

Who doesn't like turtles? Indeed.

1. "Italian Spiderman"

One word. Goblin!

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