Thursday, March 09, 2006

If I was making a Hollywood movie...

If I was making a Hollywood movie, I wouldn't really care what the plot would be, or what budget it had, or what location it was going to be shot at. The most important part would be the cast. With that in mind I present you my wish list of a cast.

The main character would be played by Crispin Glover. Again, I don't care really what character he would be playing, but his role would require a lot of awkward silences and a lot of stares directly into the camera.

The supporting cast would consist of William H. Macy. He would play some down on his luck porn producer, car salesman, or something else. That's not the point. The point is, at some juncture in the movie he would go crazy and kill at least one person.

Then there would be Clint Howard. That's it. I don't care what he does, as long he's in my movie. Same goes for Steve Buscemi.

And the final cherry on the top would be Philip Seymour Hoffman playing some gay guy with a funny speech impediment.

Doesn't get better than that.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

dont do drugs

3:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happened to your top 5 actors/actresses who's presence in a movie means that you'd prefer to walk barefoot over hot coals or accidentally drop your soap/towel/toothbrush while in the prison shower (ah, never mind about that last example) rather than sit through the movie in question...

11:07 AM  

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